
How To Make Wine From Concord Grapes

Photograph by Dominick Profaci

Just well-nigh everyone, wine consumer and abstainer alike, knows the name Concord. Information technology may have been the kickoff sip of wine to pass the lips of many beginner vino drinkers. Over 300,000 tons of Concur grapes are destined each year for the consumer as table grapes or unfermented grape juice found in the juice aisle or frozen juice department of the supermarket.

Concord is also grown extensively as a lawn garden grape. Many families look forward to picking these grapes each year to make homemade Concord pies, grape jam, jelly and estate-made vino.

Concord grapes are a dark bluish-purplish color. The juice can be a dark regal or reddish colour, depending on the duration that it is in contact with the skins. Information technology has been described as having a grapey, musky, may blossom, soda-popish aroma and season. Some fifty-fifty become so far every bit to draw the aroma as foxy.

Known as a Native American grape, Concur is a fellow member of the Vitis labrusca grape family. Information technology is also referred to as a slip-skin grape, the fox grape or skunk grape. Why the name, trick or skunk grape? Lots of tales (or tails — deplorable, but the urge to make this pun is irresistible) surroundings the origin of these names.

Some say it is because these animals used the wild grapes equally a source of nutrient and were oft spotted near the vines. Some sources refer to the Concord aroma every bit smelling like the fur of a fox or skunk. Personally, I hope I am never close enough to a skunk to experience the odour of its fur or whatsoever odor emitted from the animal!

It is interesting to notation that slip-skin grapes are known to grow in every state in the United States except Alaska. A slip-pare is described as the colored, outer portion of the grape known as the skin that separates readily from the inner portion, which consists of the pulp and seeds. Many slip-peel grape varieties contain two to 4 seeds.

Known for its power to withstand harsh wintertime weather condition, Hold is a vigorous producing vine that can live for many years. To many winemakers in common cold climate areas, this is a consistently successful equation for a steady source of grapes for vino.

Afterwards seven years of hybrid research of native vines, Ephraim Wales Bull of Concord, Massachusetts (near Boston) released the Concord grape vine for sale in 1854. He named the grape in honor of the town. Information technology is said that Concord was the first native grape to be cantankerous-pollinated with European stock to produce hybrid vines.

Concord is widely grown in the northeastern office of the Usa. Information technology is likewise grown in California and Oregon. An estimated l% of the grapes harvested in the western New York and Lake Erie region are Concord. Much of that ingather is destined to exist Welch'southward grape juice, jelly and jam. Concord is also grown throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio and parts of Canada and Brazil for like purpose. Grapeseed oil, a byproduct of the grape, is extracted and sold, ofttimes in health nutrient stores, for its beneficial anti-oxidative properties and bracing tart, woody flavor.

Concord grapes are high in flavor, pectin, acid level and unremarkably low in sugar. To the winemaker, this means that amelioration (dilution by water to reduce acidity) is an option without sacrificing flavor. Pectic enzyme should also be added to the grapes or juice and chaptalization (sugar addition) is almost always necessary to make an xi–12% alcohol wine.

Winemakers take learned to craft many styles of well-made vino from this bountiful, flavorful grape — from a deep, dark purplish total-bodied wine, to a red medium-bodied wine, to a pinkish blush low-cal-bodied wine.

Hold Tips and Techniques:

  • Fermenting on the skins will, virtually often, yield a darker, more saturated colour as compared to a medium red or blush pink color when fermented with juice.
  • Cool fermentation temperatures (65–68 ºF or 18–20 ºC) volition minimize potent foxy flavors.
  • Ferment using yeasts such as: Lalvin 71B-1122, Reddish Star Côte des Blancs or Champagne.
  • Pectic enzyme usage is important to prevent a pectic haze. Use per manufacturer's instructions. You may wish to try using Klerzyme 201, a specifically formulated pectic enzyme for Vitis labrusca grapes.
  • Ripe Concord grapes are a very dark regal. Under ripe grapes will requite light colour and flavour.
  • Amelioration (the addition of water to the must) is the preferred method of reducing acidity. A general dominion of thumb for ameliorating Concord: 1 function water to 4 parts juice. (Example: 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water is added to 4 gallons (15.2 L) Concord juice. Remember to add ii pounds (908 grams) to 2.25 pounds (1021 grams) of sugar to the h2o added to produce approximately 11.v-percent alcohol by volume.)
  • Other Acid Reducing Methods — Calcium carbonate or potassium bicarbonate can be used if further acid reduction is needed.
  • Malolactic fermentation unremarkably is not considered as a method of reducing acid since a fresh and fruity style wine is preferred.
  • Oak additions are rare. If the wine is stored in an oak barrel, it is usually an older butt with neutral flavor contribution.
  • Blending Concord wine with other finished wines merits a give-and-take of caution. A pocket-size amount (5% by volume) can make a huge flavor impact. Make sure you get-go with a minor test batch of vino to be blended and tape your additions in your record book. Taste test with each Concord improver.
  • Residual sugar — A goal of each winemaker is to raise the flavor and to residue the acid levels in guild to produce a pleasing wine. Concord wines ordinarily accept high acrid levels that tin can be counterbalanced with sugar to please the palate. Many native wines are bottled with 2–8% rest sugar levels and 0.7–0.8% acrid levels. These semi-sweet and sweet wines are very popular. If lower acid levels are achieved (0.half-dozen%), dry and semi-dry out (0–2 residual saccharide levels are options. Taste testing is mandatory when saccharide additions are made to the finished wine.

Concord Determination:

Commercially, Concord is best known every bit a very sweet table wine and a fortified dessert wine. The all-time known kosher Concord wines are Manischewitz Medium Dry out Hold or Foam White Concord, and wines by Kedem and Mogen David. It is also sold as a semi-sweet or sweet vino served at refrigerator temperature or over water ice. A bubbly beverage spritzer can be made by adding gild soda to Concord wine.

Whether you ferment on the skins for a short fourth dimension or work with juice, you lot can produce good native grape wine with lots of grapey flavour. The recipe complementing this story begins with making six gallons. Afterwards racking three times to remove the sediment from the vino, the yield will exist closer to five gallons (19 L) or 25 bottles.

Concord Vino Recipe

Yield: 6 gallons (23 L)


  • 48 lbs. (21.6 kg) Concord grapes
  • thirty drops pectic enzyme liquid or appropriate equivalent of dry pectic enzyme for 6 gallon (23 50)
  • 4.25 gallons (16.2 Fifty) water
  • 10 lbs. (4.five kg) sugar
  • 6 tsp. consummate yeast food
  • 18 Campden tablets or 18 tsp. sulfite solution*
  • 1 packet yeast (Lalvin 71B, Cherry Star Côte des Blancs or Champagne)
  • Sparkalloid or Kieselsol/Chitosan finings for clarifying

* Sulfite is usually added before and afterwards fermentation and once more at racking. Typical dosage is one Campden tablet per gallon or, if using the sulfite solution, apply 1 teaspoon liquid sulfite solution per gallon of must or wine.

To make a sulfite solution: To one loving cup of h2o add together one ounce potassium metabisulfite. Stir to dissolve. Use 1 teaspoon sulfite solution for each gallon of juice or wine. (Shop metabisulfite solution in a glass jar with the chapeau lined with plastic wrap to avoid interaction with the metal. Label the jar "sulfite solution for vino." A "Mr. Yuk" sticker on the jar may exist a good thought if there are children in the household. Store this solution away from niggling hands!

(See step four for the usage at the beginning of fermentation.)

Usage at the Terminate of Fermentation:
Add six Campden tablets (crushed and dissolved in a small corporeality of water or vino) or vi teaspoons sulfite solution at the end of fermentation.

Usage at the Start Racking: Add six Campden tablets or 6 teaspoons sulfite solution.

Step by Footstep

  1. Sanitize all of your winemaking equipment.
  2. If you are working with grapes, remove all spoiled grapes from the clusters. Remove the stems. Crush the grapes. If desired, place the grapes in a mesh straining bag for easy pressing. Place the juice and grapes in a master fermenter container.
  3. Add 30 drops of pectic enzyme liquid to the juice (known as "must"). Stir to mix.
  4. If y'all take purchased juice, ask the vendor how much sulfite was added at crush. If no sulfite was added, now is the time to dissolve half dozen Campden tablets in a small amount of water or juice, or to stir 6 teaspoons of sulfite solution into to the juice.
    Note: When in doubt, apply a sulfite testing kit that measures sulfite levels in parts per million (ppm).
  5. Test for sugar (°Brix) and acrid (using a hydrometer and acrid test kit, respectively). Add sugar to reach 22–23 °Brix (1.090–i.095 Specific Gravity). Stir thoroughly. A desirable acerbity reading would be between 0.60–0.75.
  6. Cover the must and wait 24 hours. If possible, keep in a cool expanse. If sediment is noticeable the next day, rack the juice away from the sediment using a siphon system (racking cane and food form tubing). Discard the sediment to reduce the gamble of developing off-odors .
  7. Make a yeast starter. Hydrate the yeast (if dry yeast is used) by sprinkling over i/ii cup (4 ounces) warm water (do non exceed 105 °F or 41 °C). Let represent 5–x minutes and stir.
  8. Add yeast starter to the primary fermenter. Add the yeast food. Stir. Cover lightly.
  9. Stir at to the lowest degree twice a day for iii or four days to keep the grape skins moisture. Cover afterwards each stirring.
  10. When the hydrometer reading is 8 °Brix (Specific Gravity 1.030), printing the grapes. Place the wine into a glass carboy (6 gallons/23 Fifty). Adhere an air lock and safe hurl to the carboy. The air lock should contain approximately 1 oz. (30 mL) of water to forbid air from entering the container.
  11. Allow the wine to ferment to dryness. The hydrometer reading will exist -1.5 °Brix or specific gravity 0.994 to 0.998. Sulfite the wine by adding six Campden tablets or 6 teaspoons of sulfite solution at the cease of fermentation.
  12. After a month to half-dozen weeks, rack the wine away from the sediment (known as lees) into a sanitized carboy. Add half dozen Campden tablets (dissolved) or 6 teaspoons sulfite solution. Keep the wine in a cool area, if possible, to hasten the dropout of sediment. Reattach the airlock and rubber stopper on the carboy.
  13. Add Sparkalloid (follow manufacturer'southward directions) to analyze the vino.
  14. After another month to six weeks, rack the wine abroad from the lees and into a sanitized carboy. (Note: A v-gallon carboy and a few small bottles may be used at this fourth dimension to prevent air exposure to the wine.) The yeasty taste will most likely be gone later on the second racking and the Concord flavors volition become evident.
  15. After another month to six weeks, rack wine one more time into a sanitized carboy.
  16. Check acerbity using an acrid test kit. Adjust acid level, if needed. If more flavor is desired, a small corporeality of frozen Hold concentrate may be added (this will most likely sweeten the wine some, so add at your own discretion).
  17. Taste the wine. If you wish to sweeten the wine, experiment with sweetening just a gallon of the wine past siphoning it from the carboy. Make a simple syrup solution by dissolving a measured corporeality of sugar in a small amount of warm water. Add the sugar solution to the gallon of vino and stir thoroughly. Expect 20-xxx minutes. Taste and compare with the unsweetened vino. Increase carbohydrate additions until you are satisfied with the residual sugar level. make sure you add the proper corporeality of Potassium Sorbate to inhibit fermentation of the sugar addition. To sweeten the remaining vino in the carboy, add together the total sugar addition to each gallon of wine.
  18. Cheque sulfite levels, adjusting if needed. Filter the wine, if needed.
  19. Sanitize bottles and all equipment used for bottling.


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